We’re incredibly proud to partner with some of the biggest names in Democratic and progressive politics. Check out what our partners have said about working with us.
The DNC’s partnership with Scale to Win was a major pillar for our organizing success in 2022. When I look for organizing technology, it’s important to have a partner who is willing to develop technology to fit the needs of a program, no matter how granular or niche the programmatic needs are. Scale to Win delivered on all fronts and exceeded expectations. Their tooling made it simple and seamless for our national volunteer base to effectively call and text voters throughout the midterm election cycle, in addition to allowing us to innovate on how we ingest key voter and volunteer data. In addition, their customer support allowed our staff to navigate challenges and develop solutions quickly, allowing our programs to scale and reach our goals. Simply put, they are the best in the business when it comes to text and call tooling. We look forward to our continued partnership with Scale to Win.

Jose Nunez
National Organizing Director
Democratic National Committee
Democratic National Committee
The whole Scale to Win crew have been essential to Democracy for America’s powerhouse voter contact operation this cycle – one of the most responsive, nimble, energetic campaign teams I’ve had the joy to work with, they drew on their great breadth of electoral expertise, trained our staff, created strong list and script management systems, and overall built a toolset that rapidly unleashed our grassroots leaders to text voters at scale via an intuitive, user-friendly interface – all at an astonishingly cost-effective price point.

Annie Weinberg
Electoral Director
Democracy for America
Democracy for America
Scale to Win was a great partner in supplementing our capacity to support our endorsed candidates with the peer to peer texting services they needed at a price that was affordable to grassroots, people-powered campaigns. They were responsive vendors, easy to work with, and accommodated many new campaigns at the height of the 2020 General Election.

Hannah Fertig
Director of Mobilization
Working Families Party
Working Families Party
The Scale to Win team has been fantastic partners for Team Fetterman. Their blast mode texting feature and awesome deliverability helped us scale our fundraising program to unprecedented heights and the Scale to Win Dialer was incredibly easy to use for our volunteers and a major part of our voter turnout operation.

Sophie Ota
Digital Director
John Fetterman for US Senate
John Fetterman for US Senate
The Scale to Win Dialer is truly one of my favorite tools to use this cycle. From the seamless data syncs to the constant feature development, (both the polling lookup in dialer and the dialer banner have come in super clutch during GOTV), I’ve loved working with Scale to Win.

Farhad Choksy
Senior Data Manager
Leaders Igniting Transformation
Leaders Igniting Transformation
The Scale to Win team’s fantastic customer support and unmatched reliability made them a great partner for our team. Their platform’s functionality and segmentation capabilities helped us reach our campaign’s supporters with lightning speed with the best deliverability. Campaigns looking to build big, scalable programs should absolutely use Scale to Win.

Justin Jenkins
Deputy Campaign Manager
Mark Kelly for Senate
Mark Kelly for Senate
I’ve never had a smoother tool rollout that’s received more positive feedback from staff and volunteers than with the Scale to Win texting and calling tools.

Michael Morales
National Data & Analytics Director
For Our Future
For Our Future
Scale to Win has been an essential part of running the largest voter contact program in Texas history. STW’s texting services, particularly Blast P2P, have allowed us to send tens of millions of texts in a short period of time. The STW dialer has significantly reduced the amount of staff labor required to manage our calling program compared to other autodialers, and our volunteers have found the UI to be intuitive and easy to use.What really sets STW apart, though, is its exceptional customer service. The STW team answers all of our questions so quickly at all hours of the day and night, and have been responsive to our needs and feedback when making updates to their tools. I highly recommend STW to any programs doing voter contact at scale.

Katherine Fischer
Deputy Campaign Manager
Beto for Texas
Beto for Texas